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The Greatest Show!
The Greatest Show!

Are you ready for the Greatest Show? Ready or not, here we come! We are excited to announce that our 2022 Trade Show theme is the Greatest Show—Hugh Jackman style! In addition, we are partnering with our 2022 Education Conference to truly bring you the absolute best AATC experience you... Continue Reading

Postedby Kyle Gambrell
Date posted04/8/2022

Redbook Blues: Flat Broke
Redbook Blues: Flat Broke

Remember the "good old days" pre-COVID-19 when the Tarrant County economy was booming? Rents, occupancies, the number of units, and values are at all-time highs. Monthly rent delinquencies were in single digits. Those were good times!! While the full effects of COVID-19 vaccines are not known, my... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted03/4/2022

President's Letter: Start Somewhere
President's Letter: Start Somewhere

Mark Twain once said, “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” When you sit down to start a task, do you think about what you get out of it beforehand? Do you weigh what’s in it for you? Sure, we all do, and we shouldn’t start anything in life without knowing the... Continue Reading

Postedby Patty Utley
Date posted03/4/2022

Pillow Talk: The PAC
Pillow Talk: The PAC

This year, we take an in-depth look at advocacy basics. Last month, we explored the process. The process involves procedures, rules, customs, and precedents. The process also includes the interactions between society and political institutions. This month, we look at AATC Political Action... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted03/4/2022

Circademics: One Thing. Really Well.
Circademics: One Thing. Really Well.

As a child, I looked forward to attending the circus every year. There is something about the Big Show that is invigorating—watching all that talent under one Big Top. It was always amazing to me that everyone knew their craft so well. The clowns were never out of character, and the... Continue Reading

Postedby Katy Polanco
Date posted03/4/2022

When It Comes to UGM, AATC Has Heart
When It Comes to UGM, AATC Has Heart

AATC Community Services Chair, JoAnn Beard, BH Management, and UGM Bowling Title Sponsor, Amy Alvarez, MFI. According to a report from the Council of Economic Advisors, for every 10,000 people in this country, 17 of those are homeless. In Texas, that number is 9.4 out of every 10,000... Continue Reading

Postedby JoAnn Beard
Date posted03/4/2022

Market Update: Mar 2022
Market Update: Mar 2022

Greater Fort Worth Still Bucking National Demand Trend National apartment demand fell 75% in January compared to January of 2021. While other major Texas markets fit into that picture to mostly lesser degrees, Greater Fort Worth was one to buck the trend entirely. All numbers will refer to... Continue Reading

Postedby Jordan Brooks
Date posted03/4/2022

Education is an Adventure
Education is an Adventure

TAA Red Book Seminars 2022 ARE HERE! -- Sponsored by ALN First, the TAA’s Red Book Seminars are right around the corner. This year we will host 2-In Person seminars on March 30th and May 18th. Both seminars will be held at Hurst Conference Center from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Kimberly Sims of... Continue Reading

Postedby Gregory Ann Goldrick
Date posted02/7/2022

Join a Committee!
Join a Committee!

One of the best ways for association members to realize a significant return on membership investment is by serving on one of our committees. You’ll meet new people, make new friends, and develop valuable new business relationships. Many of our volunteer-driven committees are open to... Continue Reading

Date posted02/4/2022

Market Update: Feb 2022
Market Update: Feb 2022

A Final Look at a Year For the Ages 2021 will be a year discussed and referenced in multifamily circles well into the future. Nationally, historic apartment demand sent average occupancy higher, lease concession availability lower, and rent growth into the stratosphere. The Dallas – Fort... Continue Reading

Postedby Jordan Brooks
Date posted02/4/2022

Pillow Talk: The Process
Pillow Talk: The Process

In 2021, we examined Advocacy by the Numbers. This year, we take an in-depth look at advocacy basics. Last month, we explored the three P’s: people, politics, and policies. If the right people make the right policies, then the politics will align. If politics comes before people or... Continue Reading

Postedby Perry Pillow
Date posted02/2/2022

REDBOOK Blues - Don’t Like the Weather?
REDBOOK Blues - Don’t Like the Weather?

Texans like to make fun of our crazy weather. You have heard the jokes and one-liners: 1) if you do not like the weather in Texas, wait a minute, it will change; 2) we have four distinct seasons in Texas, they all happen in one week and in no particular order; or 3) nice winter we’re having... Continue Reading

Postedby Nicole Zaitoon
Date posted02/2/2022