President's Letter: August 2024

Posted By: Bryan Downer Dimensions Online,

We’re Just Gettin’ Started

During the tenure of an FWAA President’s year, there are many events, programs, and meetings to attend. There are a considerable amount of operational decisions that occur behind the scenes as well. Most of these decisions are delegated to our wonderful staff to facilitate, but occasionally, there are decisions that require our board of directors to vote on. The President’s job is to facilitate these meetings in an efficient manner to keep the FWAA ship on track. It’s a wonderful harmony of staff execution and leadership decision-making that make FWAA such a great place to volunteer your time, money, and energy.  

As of now, I realize this amazing year is half over! I blinked and here we are. Half over also means we’re not done yet! Having just completed our annual Business Exchange event, I am proud to announce that FWAA raised another $91,000 for the NAA PAC. You want to fight rent control, that’s how you do it. Don’t worry, if you feel like you haven’t been a part of our group or if you have extreme FOMO (fear of missing out), then just buckle up because there are still many great things coming for the second half of the year, so I hope you’re ready. 

In September, we welcome the second installment of our amazing Pickleball Tournament, this year, our presenting sponsor is Core Distributing. Thank you, Core, for being headlining such an incredible event. I also want to give a shout out to all of our sponsors for this event. None of our events would be possible without your support. 

October will bring back an FWAA tradition, our Fall Classic Golf Tournament. The money raised for this event is crucial for the success of the multifamily industry. Our efforts have saved us an indescribable amount of money that you’ve been able to put back into your properties to keep your ROI’s strong. 

November 14th welcomes the return of the FWAA Trade Show and Education Conference. This year is going to be remarkable as we welcome Randy Ross to the stage for our keynote presentation. You’ll want to make sure you send your teams to both the Education Conference and the Trade Show. Support our supplier partners in the trade show by showing up in droves. 

And finally, to finish out this super year, on December 10, an event I am especially proud of, is our 2nd annual Christmas Celebration and Toy Drive to benefit the Community Enrichment Center. Help us raise money and donate toys for needy boys and girls in and around our Fort Worth communities. 

I hope you’re ready for the ride, because we’re just gettin’ started!

  • Bryan Downer, FWAA President