Pillow Talk: Sept 2024

Posted By: Perry Pillow Legislative Updates,

Renowned political philosopher Pink Floyd once said, “Money is the root of all evil today.” And let’s be honest, “follow the money” often points to political corruption. We’ve all heard, “Show me the money! Show me the money, Jerry!” Senator Dirksen famously quipped, “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Last month, we kicked off a series on advocacy myths by asserting that all politics is relational. This month, we’re diving into the myths surrounding money, politics, and policy.

Money matters in politics. Campaign costs are through the roof. Most Congressional contests now run upwards of $2 million; this cycle, some Texas state legislator primary campaigns have topped $1 million. One FWAA-area legislative candidate’s personal campaign debt even hit $500,000.

FWAA’s Political Action Committee (FWAA PAC) offers members a chance to contribute financial support to candidates who share FWAA’s values. TAA and NAA also have PACs that donate to political campaigns.

One myth that sticks around is that PAC contributions turn politics into a quid pro quo – that it’s all about transactions, not relationships. Wrong! FWAA doesn’t engage in pay-for-play advocacy, nor do the candidates we support. Former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Fort Worth) famously kept a list of his friends, not his enemies. Campaign contributions help you get on the “friends list!”

Money matters in policy. Every policy issue has a fiscal side. In Texas, when a legislator introduces a bill, there’s often a “Fiscal Note” attached, explaining how the legislation would affect Texans financially – whether that’s individuals, government agencies, or local governments. From apartment inspection ordinances to street maintenance fees, most local ordinances directly impact FWAA members. Things like property taxes, interest rates, the 30-day Notice to Vacate, capital gains taxes, and so-called “junk fees” all affect FWAA members’ NOI and, ultimately, the value of your assets.

Money matters in advocacy. FWAA members must communicate the financial impact of federal, state, and local laws and regulations to elected officials and government employees. Too often, local governments see apartments as easy sources of revenue and landlords as rich, greedy corporations.

Advocacy Tip: Government regulations affect all FWAA members, including our supplier partners. It’s crucial that government officials understand that legislation targeting apartments also impacts suppliers. Big shoutout to our supplier partners who join us in meetings with elected officials! You’re superstars!

FWAA Congressional Meetings

Last month, FWAA President Bryan Downer, Government Affairs Committee Chair April Royal, Past President Cayce Coon, AAGD leadership, and FWAA staff (Kevin Pellegrino and myself) met with DFW-area Congress members Jake Ellzey (R), Beth Van Duyne (R), and Marc Veasey (D). These meetings gave us the chance to share the effects of federal 30-day NTV and junk fee regulations on the industry and to update Congress on DFW-area multifamily market conditions.

Congressman Williams’ Federal Rent Control Letter

FWAA worked with Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX 25) on a letter to President Biden regarding the devastating impact of the administration’s recent proposal to raise taxes on apartment owners and operators who raise rents by more than 5% in a year. Congressman Williams, who chairs the House Small Business Committee, highlighted how burdensome this proposal would be for millions of small business owners.

City of Saginaw $225 Per Unit Annual Inspection Fee

FWAA members and staff recently met with officials from the City of Saginaw to discuss their proposed $225 per unit annual inspection fee. This fee would be ten times higher than the average in our service area – clearly over the top. We’re working to get it reconsidered.

Pickleball Thanks

A big thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s FWAA PAC Pickleball Tournament on September 10 at Chicken & Pickle! Special shoutout to Pickleball Chair John “Can-In-Hand” Brandes from Maintenance Supply Solutions and Tony Sims from Core Distribution, our presenting sponsor.

Save the Date

Mark your calendars! The Fall PAC Golf Tournament is on October 8 at Texas Star Golf Course. Huge thanks to FWAA Golf Committee Chair Chris Jimenez from Renew Renovation – you’ve done an excellent job this year, Chris!

Support the FWAA PAC

FWAA’s advocacy efforts rely on the financial support of all our members. Help us back candidates who align with FWAA’s interests. Contribute here.

Perry Pillow is FWAA’s Director of Government Affairs. For more information, contact Perry at ppillow@aatcnet.org or call 817-701-6353.